My life as a bicycle commuter Part 2
OK, so I got a new used bike. It’s a Trek 930, circa 1995, and it’s red. Really red. I was lucky enough to have it donated to me by a craigslister that saw my post about my bike being stolen. He was a really nice guy and I can’t believe he just gave it to me. But then again, I can’t believe my Kona got stolen.
So I picked it up last Tuesday and brought it straight to the Bike Peddler where my buddies Matt and Chris work. Matt was kind enough to give it a tuneup and put on the new tires, shifters and brakes I bought for it. He did an amazing job and I can’t begin to describe how awesome the bike rides now! Believe it or not, this bike is better than my old one. It really is. I did a run of the hood and climbed some hills behind the house that I had never tried before. No problem.
I’m looking forward to riding to work tomorrow!